VBAC Client Review: Amanda

Diana is a brilliant and intentional ally to have on your birth team. She is a wealth of knowledge, resources, and most importantly radical support.
After an emergency C-section with my first child, I sought out a Doula to assist me through a TOLAC. It had been my goal the first pregnancy to deliver naturally, but when I went in for an induction at 41+ weeks I was rushed to the operating table for a c-section. It was a disempowering and traumatic experience I did not want to repeat.
I asked to meet Diana because of her specific interest in assisting pregnant people with VBAC, and after our consultation I knew she would help me prepare, self-educate, and advocate for my goals at all stages. With her help, I was able to process my fears and do my best to line up what I could control. My priority became feeling empowered to make thoughtful decisions during childbirth, an opportunity I was not awarded the first time around.
Especially challenging was giving birth during the initial Covid outbreak. Business restrictions and hospital policies were in daily flux, dismantling parts of my birth plan. But our regular check-ins kept me grounded throughout, and helped me stay positive as my due date came and went. Diana gave advice even on her way to join us at the hospital. Once there, her coaching and physical presence allowed me to feel safe enough to dive deep into labor and to trust that each new phase was progressing as it should. I felt my voice was amplified by hers, keeping my care team informed, keeping me safe, keeping me in power.
With a lot of personal preparation, my husband, Diana, my midwives/nurses/OB, and some alternative body work, I was able to deliver a healthy baby vaginally with no injury and no medication. Achieving this goal was beyond my expectations, and I know I would not have had the endurance, presence of mind and feeling of robust support without Diana’s talented healing presence.
-Amanda Armbrust & John Asselin
2020 VBAC clients