Stop saying VBAC “candidate”

If you have a vagina and are not experiencing a life threatening complication or other absolute contraindication to vaginal birth, you are a candidate for VBAC.
Even if you are high BMI.
Even if your cesarean was for “failure to progress.”
Even if you attempted VBAC previously and had another cesarean.
Even if your baby is predicted to be large or your last baby was large.
Even if you have gestational diabetes.
Even if you have hypertension, preeclampsia or a history of hypertension or preeclampsia.
Even if you are pregnant with twins or a breech baby.
Even if you may need an induction.
Even if you go past 39 weeks, 40 weeks or 41 weeks.
Even if you have a history of hemorrhage.
Even if you are advanced maternal age.
Even if you have a combination of these risk factors.
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) VBAC practice bulletin explicitly states that “MOST PEOPLE with one OR TWO prior cesareans are candidates for and should be offered VBAC.”
(Emphasis added)
Yet OBs and even hospital midwives are routinely out there telling people they “aren’t a good candidate” in situations where VBAC is not only possible, but still safe and still the likely outcome.
Just because your particular physician won’t support you doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t VBAC.
It just means your provider is practicing in an overly restrictive way that is not consistent with OB professional guidelines.
And you might consider finding a new one!
The concept of VBAC “candidacy” is a provider-centric, non-evidence based, anti-woman framework that promotes unnecessary cesareans. Full stop.
Let’s stop repeating this phrase (which is closely related to the issue of the discredited “VBAC calculator”).
VBAC is not a privilege available only to the select few that manage to squeeze through the obstetric community’s razor thin personal preferences for who should be “allowed” a vaginal birth.
VBAC is the default standard of care until proven otherwise.